Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Improv for dummies?

i was looking for a way to kick my presentation and conversational skills up a notch and I got the bright idea to take an Improv class. what is the world was I thinking? i made the mistake of telling my very pushy friend who loves to do projects together about the class and of course she pushed me to sign up by finding the class, paying for it and forcing me to do the same. i suspect that subconsciously it was my own method of motivation because left to my own devices I would have talked about it for months and then let it fade into a pile of good ideas.

someone gave me some great advice recently, he said to dive head first into something you are completely uncomfortable with doing and do your best to figure it out. this is basically taking risks and I am glad to report that the Improv 101 at Lesley Kahn Institute was a hit! there are a few key reasons why...

1) great teacher Jamie Moyer - not the Phillies pitcher- check her out at second city
2) great group of professionals...i thought we would keep in touch, but oh well, I have all the memories and because they were all actors I get to see them from time to time on TV!
3) lastly but definitely not least, my great friend Nix who encouraged me!

while I don't knock Toastmasters, I would recommend doing Improv to anyone professional wanting to up their game and have some fun while doing it.

yes and-ing and loving it
~ fleeter

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